Wednesday, October 15, 2008

anger management

i am a chill individual but i have my moments. moments where given the right circumstances i want to unleash the fury of hades. i bring this up because for the last couple of weeks my fuse seems to have gotten shorter.

background... i travel for work. so i am rarely in the same place for more than two weeks at a time. i have spent maybe a month in my apartment since i moved into it. not all at one time mind you just cumulatively since i moved in this past February. i like what i do so that is no bother.

given that when i show up at one of my employer's establishments (huge company!) i am usually greeted with some varying degree of incompetence. no worries right. i can deal. this is what i do. i help make them better, stronger, faster, yada yada.

but this go round. i was not doing it correctly.


yeah. i do not claim to be the smartest guy but i know my shit. and this is my shit. who are you to tell me my shit is wrong? i am here specifically for this shit. i live, eat, breathe, and help plan this shit. but i am wrong? go lick donkey balls, sweaty hairy donkey testes.

don't try to be my friend after you discover i know what the hell i am doing. don't shorten my name like we are frat brothers and you just boinked my mom and we are gonna bump fist and make it all go away.

don't get your feelings hurt when i ignore the living shit out of you because i have turned off my douche radar.

don't think because i am involved in a friendly conversation with a group of your people you can saunter up and join because they know what you did. i told them and they all agree you are a total d-bag.


do fail to make eye contact with me when you praise the work i have done.

until then,


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