Tuesday, January 8, 2008

no more stupid questions

i work in a world where i am bombarded with stupid questions.

there is no such thing as a stupid question. STFU! i hear them all day.

okay so it is not the questions that are stupid but the way they are asked.

like they already know the answer and are just testing me. guess what dillhole, i am done taking test until i get off my ass and do the GRE. i don't need some cigarette smelling, yellow teeth having, track suit adorned, garden shoe wearing....


what the frick is the whole garden shoe thing about? it's like i went to sleep for six minutes and wake up and everyone's retarded.

this is not cute. my grandmother own these things and she won't wear them out. and she will wear anything out. this is a woman who answers her door in a bra. they are for gardening not walking. plus what the hell... no. i say stop. STOP NOW! this fad is too much. is this what happens when the terrorist win?


slack jawed crossed eyed self indulgent know-it-all quizzing me about things he/she may already know.

or asking the wrong question. which i answer. and then repeating the question. which i answer again and then looking at me like i'm the f'ing retard. i forgot my ability to read minds at home teacher can i have my Mommy bring to school for me.

my favorite, and by favorite i mean: "Dear God, Please give my AIDS cancer" favorite.
the statement question.

not really asked. just put out there in the wide open space. it is almost like watching a puppy drown each and every day...

until then,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

post again post again post again. Can you tell I'm bored. In other news, remember that blog you put me onto eons ago, Toomuchinformation. Yeah, well, it's back as zoomdoggle.com. And it's fun. I read about it on gawker last week. Thought you'd like to know.